In order to avoid losing all of your investment, you must remind to yourself that TradeRush is a SCAM. There are still many alternatives available you can choose from to invest your money but not in binary options. We will be urged to spend 250 dollars to invest in binary options. It can be quite a tempting offer since we may get more benefits or profits frnm it. Unfortunately, the result is we will quickly lose all of our investment. The company will not accept our complaints or even refund our money. The manager will blame us for not reading the terms when setting up our account.

The Trade Rush agents will not help us at all. What is more, we cannot make direct contacts because the company is a foreign company which is located in the U.K. There is a totally rip off because your email complaints will not be considered at all. So, Trade Rush is mere a scam and it is like a guessing game where you are the one who will be always the loser. When we invest in binary options, it means that we just supplement the income of Trade Rush agents. Well, are you still interested to invest in binary options?